Manasquan HS Esports Team is hosting their final Community Gaming Night fundraiser

Manasquan HS Esports Team is hosting their final Community Gaming Night fundraiser for this school year on Friday, May 17, 2024, from 6-8:30 pm in the MHS Esports Arena (room 464) & MHS Media Center. $5 Pay to Play; Free to Watch!  If you want to use a gaming PC, we encourage you to reserve your PC timeslot ahead of time by completing this Google Form:

Seats will fill up fast! We’ll run 3 sessions in the Esports Arena: 6:15-7 pm, 7-7:45 pm, and 7:45-8:30 pm. Each timeslot is $5. Read the google form for answers to all your questions. Get playing faster! Create a FREE personal Epic &/or Steam Account before you join us. We cannot guarantee you’ll be able to play if you don’t have your own account. Lots of games to play including Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario Kart, Rocket League, Lego Fortnite & more. There will also be merchandise and snacks for sale. Bring your family & friends and support the team, explore the Esports Arena, & have some fun!  Enter through the MHS Media Center doors near the field house.