Let’s start this month with some COLOR RUN FUN!!!
Join us for our 2nd annual COLOR RUN!!!!!!
Friday, May 17th – 3:30pm – 12th Ave Field
Registration is a MUST!
$10 fee includes white tee shirt, white sweatband and water!
Venmo @BESeagles or put cash in an envelope marked PTO (be sure to add your students information!)
When registering PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE include your students tee shirt size!
We are also accepting donations of any size water bottles! This can be dropped off to the Main Office any time! We appreciate this
We absolutely need parent volunteers
Remember- events like this can not happen without you!!
Please email us at if you can lend a helping hand! Set up starts at 2:30!
Last years run was AMAZINGGGGG!!!!! Tell your students this is an event they won’t want to miss!!!! And upper grade students— you will have fun too– we PROMISE!!!!